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mahot malgache

hibiscus columnaris


Mahot the wall the size of a shrub in the steep place a small tree in the forest zone. It can reach 10 meters high. Often branched at the base, this hibiscus has a smooth bark, and leaves are hétérophylles (several forms): juvenile leaves are palmately (palmate venation) with 5-7 ribs, adored leaves are oval-shaped with a base heart and usually with a peak three peaks (Fig. 2). Flowers (photos 1, 3 and 4) were born at the base of leaves or branches at the end and have yellow petals that are parallel to the column staminique. The fruits are capsules containing seeds blackish and covered with long yellowish hairs

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1 Comment

alicelongmartin 11 years ago


Spotted by

Saint-Benoît, La Réunion, Reunion

Spotted on Feb 13, 2013
Submitted on Feb 13, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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