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Red-bellied Woodpecker

Melanerpes carolinus


The female and male Red-bellied Woodpeckers are coming in to feed on suet at my feeders.

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AshleyT 10 years ago

Yay! Excited to see them :) I won't have anything new up til after my 10 day trip Friday, I have two tests this week that are keeping me studying indoors :/

Tom15 10 years ago

Ashley, today I took a 2 hour walk in the snow at Great Meadows NWR and only saw 3 species of birds. After that I really wanted to see something good, so I drove an hour to look for the Barnacle Goose. I didn't have to look very hard. It's at a farm/wildlife rehab and they feed cracked corn to a flock of about 100 Canada Geese and the Barnacle Goose was right in with them. A few times I had to back up because it was too close! I took 300 pictures and will post a few later tonight.

AshleyT 10 years ago

I hope it sticks around and cooperates for you! How far away is it? This friday I leave for a 10 day trip to way south Texas, so will finally get some herps and hopefully a few lifer birds!

Tom15 10 years ago

Thanks Ashley.
I saw the post for the Barnacle Goose, but will wait to see if it sticks around to chase. I've seen them a few times in Massachusetts and Connecticut, but would like to get a better pic than the crappy one I have.

AshleyT 10 years ago

Great shots Tom, I really love the male!

Not sure if this is close to you, but there's a Barnacle Goose in Mass. This is the place it was seen at, mixed in with Canada Geese,
And here are photos of it,

I would love to see one of these guys but I doubt one will be coming to Texas :)

Spotted by

Groton, Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on Mar 1, 2014
Submitted on Mar 2, 2014

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