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Green Huntsman Spider

Neosparassus sp (f)


Pea green with semi transparent legs and reddish fang covers. There is a blue stripe running from the carapace halfway to the tail which is difficult to see in this image




It is a bit difficult to find information on green Huntsmen. Most of them appear to be awaiting discovery. This one may be related to another found here last summer, see link

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StephenSolomons 8 years ago

They are lovely spiders. Huntsmen are some of my favorite things also so finding green ones was a delight.
No, I didnt move. There is some issue with the mapping thing and at the end it wouldn't accept my entries. Probably lucky it dropped me in NSW

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 8 years ago

You've left the beaches for the mountain, eh? Nice move. I long for the day when I can move from the city. And I do love the spider, and the red-legged one must have been awesome too. Not the usual huge hairy huntsmen we've come to know and love.

StephenSolomons 8 years ago

Thanks Neil. It is the second. The first had red legs I had never seen them before I moved here

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 8 years ago

Nice spotting, Stephen. I've never seen a green huntsman before. So beautiful.

Spotted by

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Nov 6, 2015
Submitted on Nov 6, 2015

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