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Stick Insect, Phasmid - Female

Phasmotaenia sp


Phasmid from the genus Phasmotaenia. Species from this genus can be quite big, with body length of 15 com more. This Female nymph has long its front left leg. The twirl in Pic#1 shows the re-generated leg. They are able to re-grow their legs if they lost it, however, contrary to some beliefs, they don't regrow the 'full' leg completely or right away. As their life cycle involves 6-8 moulting, the lost leg will regrow but it may not be completely the same length as the original leg. They will not be able to re-grow their legs, if they lost it once they are adults.


Tropical forest

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Spotted on Dec 3, 2015
Submitted on Dec 7, 2015

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