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Common Kingfisher

Alcedo atthis


The beautiful iridescent plumage of the kingfisher makes it one of our most colourful and instantly recognisable birds; despite this it is rarely seen due to its shy nature. The upperparts are bright blue, while the underparts are a rich chestnut-red, although if seen in flight these colours may not be very obvious. The bill is very long and dagger-like. Although the sexes are generally similar, in breeding pairs they can be distinguished by the bill; in females it has a red base, whereas in males it is completely black. Although similar to adults, juveniles have duller, greener plumage.


Lake Orestiada (Kastoria, Greece).


Greek name: Αλκυόνη. Greek common names: ψαροπούλι, θαλασσοπούλι, μπιρμπίλι της θάλασσας.

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1 Comment

The MnMs
The MnMs 8 years ago

Very pretty!

Spotted by

Spotted on Jan 2, 2016
Submitted on Jan 2, 2016

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