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Jumping Spider


About 5mm. A bit weird looking jumper. Probably a scorpion mimicking sp. Orangish brown coloration with white spots on the abdomen and rear part of the head.


Tropical forest areas.


Unidentified. Probably first spotting in Bangladesh.

Species ID Suggestions

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sanmiggums 11 years ago


Raiyan Ahmed
Raiyan Ahmed 11 years ago

Thanks everyone!

Chun~ Thanks for the suggestion. It indeed looks close!

S Frazier~ Sorry for the mistake! I understand it fully and I'll edit all the unidentified spottings soon. Thanks for the advice!

ChunXingWong 11 years ago

My best guess is Marengo species.
So far none are recorded from Bangladesh.
Here is a similar species from Sri Lanka

LaurenZarate 11 years ago

Wonderful Ant Mimic. Love it!

Atul 11 years ago

Wonderful spotting as usual pal ...and thanks for joining the mission :)

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 11 years ago

Hello. Really? First spotting record for Bangladesh? Cool. I edited your scientific name because that space is reserved (for scientific name). Normally to signal that a species is "unidentified" you just leave the space for Scientific name blank and check "Help me ID this species". If you want to use a family name in Scientific name you can, but it will show up as identified when you try to filter between identified and unidentified spottings on the organisms page because the software reads the scientific name as being filled. Anyway, if a family name or above is used it implies that the spotting has not been identified to species. Just a quirky thing here too: If a reference link space is used, the software also interprets that the spotting is identified because that's what those link spaces are for. You can add links to the description and notes if they are not specific to the species level and you want to avoid the spotting as appearing ID'ed because of those links. Whew!

Raiyan Ahmed
Raiyan Ahmed 11 years ago

Thank you indeed Jemma. I have been very busy with plenty of assignments lately. I'll certainly contribute to the mission you've suggested. I had a chat with Atul as well.. :-)

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

Raiyan,Nice to see yoyu back.Atul has created this wonderful mission where you can add all your spiers to it.

Raiyan Ahmed
Spotted by
Raiyan Ahmed

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Spotted on Oct 10, 2012
Submitted on Mar 25, 2013

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