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Green-Violet Ear Hummingbird

Colibri thalassinus


The Green Violetear is locally common in montane regions in Central and South America. It is one of four species of violetears (Colibri), all of which have a patch of elongated violet feathers on the sides of the head. The northernmost subspecies, which occurs from Mexico south to Nicaragua, often has a blue patch on the breast, and may have a blue chin. In the three other subspecies, which occur from Costa Rica south to Argentine, the chin and breast are green.


The Green Violetear inhabits highland forest borders, clearings and highland pastures at elevations between 600-2800 m. Green Violetears usually are solitary, foraging and singing alone.


These were the most plentiful species I saw... They were like swarms! Beautiful feathers are displayed when they fight.. Awesome little birds!

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Copey, Provincia San José, Costa Rica

Spotted on Jan 3, 2016
Submitted on Jan 20, 2016

Spotted for Mission

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