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Dead Leaf Katydid


When I came across this Katydid in its resting position, I couldn't imagine what it was! (last picture) Head down, and all twisted up. It couldn't have looked less like an insect. Its only mistake was to be amongst green leaves instead of brown ones. It was completely colored for camouflage, even including its eyes. Once in a normal position (first 4 pictures), the wings were twice as long as its body and the abdomen is strangely shaped with spikes. The hind legs are as long as the wings. Really strange fellow. Family Tettigoniidae.


Forest, on a bush, Chorreadero Park, Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico.

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Chiapas, Mexico

Spotted on Aug 22, 2015
Submitted on Feb 24, 2016

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