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Northern Leopard Frog

Rana pipiens


The northern leopard frog is a fairly large species of frog, reaching about 11 cm (4.3 in) in length. It varies from green to brown in dorsal colour, with large, dark, circular spots on its back, sides, and legs. Each spot is normally bordered by a lighter ring. A pair of dorsolateral folds starting from the back of the eye run parallel to each other down the back. These dorsolateral folds are often lighter or occasionally pinkish in colour. There is also a pale stripe running from the nostril, under the eye and tympanum, terminating at the shoulder. The ventral surface is white or pale green. The iris is golden and toes are webbed. Tadpoles are dark brown or grey, with light blotches on the underside. The tail is pale tan. [Wikipedia]

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Bolton, Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on May 18, 2004
Submitted on Apr 6, 2013

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