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Showy Rattlebox

Crotalaria spectabilis

1 Species ID Suggestions

PhotoginTN 8 years ago
Showy Rattlebox
Crotalaria spectabilis Showy Rattlebox - Crotalaria spectabilis - Overview

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PhotoginTN 8 years ago

dcslaugh, I liked photographing nature, and found the plant atlas site, and decided to email the botanist listed there. He said I could send photos, though I would not get paid, just get my name on the photos. The botanist later said that my photos helped save the site from being discontinued due to budget concerns.

dcslaugh 8 years ago

PhotoinTN, how did you get that job?

dcslaugh 8 years ago

Agreed, PhotoginTN! Thank you for confirming my recent suspicion. :)
Thank you everyone for commenting!!

PhotoginTN 8 years ago

Almost certainly Crotalaria spectabilis. When I lived in Florida, I contributed to USF's Atlas of Florida Plants. Here is a photo of Crotalaria spectabilis I took:

ThomasCaelifera 8 years ago

That wasn't supposed to be a positive ID- just a comment about how little can be determined from this shot. I have no idea what this is ... :-(

Machi 8 years ago

Petal arrangement looks wrong for Cytisus scoparius. I also don't think that it has been reported in Florida (yet).

ThomasCaelifera 8 years ago

Fabaceae for sure, but it looks a lot more like Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) to me than anything else. There's not really a size reference or any other parts of the plant shown to check, though...

Machi 8 years ago

Possibly a Crotalaria species or something else in the Fabaceae family.

ThomasCaelifera 8 years ago

What does the rest of the plant look like?

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Jan 1, 2016
Submitted on May 19, 2016

Spotted for Mission

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