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Delicate Skink

Lampropholis delicata


25mm to 75mm skink style of lizard


Remnant dry sclerophyll woodland ridge island in coastal suburban sprawl. There are literally tens of thousands of these skinks in the grassland. They run out from under my feet every step I take in the grasses


These were sunning themselves as the nights have become very cold. They did not want to be disturbed so for the first time in months I had a free shot at getting their photo. They seemed relieved when I came no closer. No research yet Identification thanks to Leuba

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StephenSolomons 11 years ago

Thanks Leuba. I think that is it. I have been trying to identify these guys since I moved here

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 11 years ago

Stephen, have a look at my spotting from 2011 - Your's could be a similar skink- a Delicate Skink. Both appear to have white throats and metallic but unmarked bodies.

Spotted by

Gosford, New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Apr 21, 2013
Submitted on Apr 21, 2013

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