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Blue-eyed bush frog

Philautus neelanethrus


It is a small, distinctive frog which gains its common name from the bright blue ring running around the edge of its protruding, golden eyes. Its scientific name, neelanthrus, means ‘blue eyes’ in Sanskrit, a historical local dialect.


Western ghats.


The skin of the blue-eyed bush frog varies between yellow and cream and there are brown dots and blotches on the upperside of the body, indicating areas of granulation which can differ in intensity between individuals. The skin on the underside of the body has round, white blotches and is also granulated. The skin on the wide head of the blue-eyed bush frog features circular brown spots, and the snout is pointed and protrudes forward beyond the mouth. The colouration of the male blue-eyed bush frog becomes more yellow and vivid during the breeding season. The female blue-eyed bush frog is likely to be slightly larger than the male. Vocalisations are made by the blue-eyed bush frog during the breeding season, using the unpigmented vocal sac in the throat. Calls usually begin as a shrill ‘treek’ and are followed by a recurring ‘tink’ note.

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Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks Vipin..:)

vipin.baliga 11 years ago

Beautiful set of pictures Sumukha :-)

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks a lot Satyen..!

Wild Things
Wild Things 11 years ago

Super shots Sumukha!

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks Lauren..!

LaurenZarate 11 years ago

Lovely frog and series!

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks a lot Gerardo..!

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks Alice &CostaBoyJack..:)

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 11 years ago

Wonderful series :)

CostaBoyJack 11 years ago

beautiful eyes

alicelongmartin 11 years ago

Very Nice!

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks Rieko..:)

RiekoS 11 years ago

I really love your first picture. Very nice series.

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

@YukoChartraw. Yeah, it is..♥

YukoChartraw 11 years ago

A cute little frog ♥ ♥

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thank you Sachin..:)

Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 11 years ago

Very Nice

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks SandraPereira..:)

SandraPereira 11 years ago

Cute ..

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Yes, it is Snowy..!

Carol Snow Milne
Carol Snow Milne 11 years ago

So adorable!

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago

Thanks Mona..:)

Mona Pirih
Mona Pirih 11 years ago

Lovely, very nice..

Sumukha Javagal
Spotted by
Sumukha Javagal

Karnataka, India

Spotted on Oct 14, 2012
Submitted on May 14, 2013

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