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Jumping spider / Skakači pauk ♂

Phileaeus chrysops


Normal body length is 7–12 mm, but 5 mm small males do occur. Unusual for spiders, the males are often bigger. The sexes differ extremely: males are very colorful with a glaringly red opisthosoma (Χρυσοπς = golden eye). The males have a dark brown cephalothorax with two broad longitudinal white stripes behind the rear eyes. The abdomen is bright orange-red on the back and the sides, with a longitudinal black stripe in the center and black shoulders. The long, slender legs are dark with the patellae and most of the tibiae of the first two pairs bright orange-red.


The spider prefers open and warm areas, this one was spotted on traditional limestone walls on the edge of the forest. It occurs in the Palearctic, reaching into South China.


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Spotted on May 13, 2013
Submitted on May 13, 2013

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