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Brown Anole


Brown shading both light and dark lizard


Anywhere in yards or grass even on buildings

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Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

@Justin Stapleton. No, anoles are not venomous. There are only two species of venomous lizard in the North America region. One is the "gila monster" and the other is its relative, the " beaded lizard". They occur in the southwestern US, Mexico and/or Guatemala.

Justin Stapleton
Justin Stapleton 10 years ago

Are anoles poiseness?

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

The scientific name of the brown anole is Anolis sagrei. Please insert this into the space reserved for scientific name (while in edit mode) so that your spotting is marked as identified in the Project Noah spotting database. Thank you.

Tiffany Michelle
Spotted by
Tiffany Michelle

Florida, USA

Spotted on Apr 7, 2013
Submitted on May 6, 2013

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