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Baby Bobcat

Lynx rufus


The female raises the young alone. One to six, but usually two to four, kittens are born in April or May, after roughly 60 to 70 days of gestation. Sometimes a second litter is born as late as September. The female generally gives birth in an enclosed space, usually a small cave or hollow log. The young open their eyes by the ninth or tenth day. They start exploring their surroundings at four weeks and are weaned at about two months. Within three to five months, they begin to travel with their mother. They will be hunting by themselves by fall of their first year, and usually disperse shortly thereafter. In Michigan, however, they have been observed staying with their mother as late as the next spring.


This cute little bundle of fury came in right when I took the pictures. This bobcat kitten was found on the side of the road after her mom was killed by a car. She is out in an enclosure so that she can grow up with minimum contact with people. As Janet, one of the staff, grabbed her and held her, she unleashed attacks of pain onto the thickly layered leather gloves of Janet, hilariously causing no damage whatsoever. But she did defecate to try and ward us off, hence the poop-tail. The baby bobcat's body has no damage and is expected to be released far down in the future.

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57 Comments (1–25)

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 10 years ago

Thank you mesrecipes and staccyh for you kind comments :)

staccyh 10 years ago

Great story and photos!

mesrecipes 10 years ago

I love it ,so cute.

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 10 years ago

Thank you brandonryanfig01

brandonryanfig01 10 years ago

So cute

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 10 years ago

Thank you celestialprincess101 and Laura33! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.

Laura33 10 years ago

Sooooo cute😆

celestialprincess101 11 years ago

Adorable in so many ways!!! I am jealous of the person who is holding him/her xD

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Thank you Caroline V :)

Caroline.V. 11 years ago

So cute

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Thank you Jeniffer! :)

JenniferRoge 11 years ago

To cute!!

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

thank you for all the comments everyone! but as cute as it is, it belongs in the wild. so if you see a wild animal like this hurt somewhere, be careful because it's dangerous and be sure to call your local wildlife rescue to come help it :)

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Haha thanks guys. No name, just a number :) it will be released so we don't name them.

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Thank you EnvUnlimited!

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Thank you Sergio, appreciate it :)

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 11 years ago

Great photos and story, Joshua. Congratulations.

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Thank you ShannaB and Macaw :)

ShannaB 11 years ago

Gorgeous pics of a beautiful little creature... and a wonderful rescue story! Awesome stuff, Joshua, congrats on SOTD.

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Thank you Tic and 4D4. It is sad but we're happy she's a fighter!

TicThapanya 11 years ago

cute little cat..

4D4Gprojectnoah 11 years ago

so cute:) and such a poor thing. its very sad to hear that her mother died from a car, such a brave little fellow.

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 11 years ago

Thank you Adarsha, Debbie, Sckel, and gatorfellows for your comments, really cool :)

gatorfellows 11 years ago

Congratulation on a sweet SOTD :)

Sckel 11 years ago

Congrats :)

Josh Asel
Spotted by
Josh Asel

California, USA

Spotted on May 28, 2013
Submitted on May 30, 2013

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