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American cancer-root or squawroot or bear corn

Conopholis americana


Honestly I have no idea what this is but saw it on our hike today. First time back on project Noah in about a year...

1 Species ID Suggestions

American cancer-root or squawroot or bear corn
Conopholis americana

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KathleenMcEachern 11 years ago

Very interesting!

LisaPowers 11 years ago

Conopholis americana is parasitic on the roots of woody plants, especially oaks (genus Quercus) and beech (genus Fagus).[4] The only part of the plant generally seen is the cone-shaped inflorescence,[6] which appears above ground in spring.[7] The entire structure is a yellowish color, turning to brown[4] and achieves heights of 10 centimeters (4 in) to 20 centimeters (8 in) tall.[8]

Spotted by

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Jun 22, 2013
Submitted on Jun 22, 2013

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