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Humpback Whale

Megaptera novaeangliae


Whale breaching - Usually restricted to the mating season in the waters off of Mexico, breach by the males has been observed previously in this area. Bubble Net Feeding - In this area, on member of the pod of 9-12 whales, dives near a school of fish or krill. The single whale, blows bubbles as big as basketballs as the whale encircles the school. Other whales then issues whale vocalizations to further confuse the fish. (Actually heard this on the hydrophone). The whale then arise with the bubble curtain and feed. Fin Slapping - Whale is rolling and slapping pectoral fin. Tail Display - Tail marking are unique to humpbacks.Therefore the marking are used to identify the whales.


Open marine and in the Inside Passage of Alaska.


Both sites are great. The NOAA reference is specific to the pictures above.

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Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 8 years ago

Brilliant spotting all round. Thanks. What an experience !

QWMom 9 years ago


glbnoah109 9 years ago

To Jonesno66 and Mark.
Thank you. It was an incredibly lucky photo.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Superb first shot. 9 years ago

Wow this is an incredible Photo. I can't believe that you caught this on film. Thanks for sharing!!!

glbnoah109 11 years ago

I wish I could have gotten a better picture of the bubble net activity. Nonetheless when I captured the male breaching and then had the mountain in the background, even the tour guide asked for a picture.

alina 11 years ago

this is an incredible capture -- and interesting description, thanks for sharing!

mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 11 years ago


Spotted by

Alaska, USA

Spotted on Jun 20, 2013
Submitted on Jun 29, 2013

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