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Bell miner bird (Bellbird)

Manorina melanophrys


A green bird is well hidden in foliage and these are sometimes very hard to see. Their popular 'bell' sound is very familiar as they chatter to each other with their typical 'tik tik' calls.


Nature reserve at Yea wetlands


The bell miners are related (only) to the noisy miners, both gregarious and common honeyeaters. The exotic and common Indian myna is unrelated.

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Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

During the 2009 fires a large number moved across our valley from the national park and stayed for 2 years. It was fabulous having their bells around to wak up to. Suddenly they just disappeared. I also read somewhere that they are being studied because they cause major forest die-back when in larger numbers and science is not sure how that fits into the eco-system.

MartinL 10 years ago

I can recall having never seen this sometimes common bird.
It involves waiting motionless and after a few minutes they come closer again.
Their yellow and green colors blend in very well.

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Well done Martin. I love their bell sound, and yet I never seem to be able to see them.

MartinL 10 years ago

This took a while Mark. I find bird photography tricky, maybe I should start on ducks. The first frame is a cropped image of the second.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

That first frame is classic. They won't keep still enough for my patience.

Spotted by

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on May 18, 2014
Submitted on May 18, 2014

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