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Some of the numerous fungi found along the Big East River

2 Species ID Suggestions

gfxeditor 11 years ago
Pinwheel Mushroom
marasmius rotula Marasmius rotula (MushroomExpert.Com)
gfxeditor 11 years ago
Wolf Puffball
Morganella pyriformis or lycoperdon pyriforme Morganella pyriformis (MushroomExpert.Com)

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gfxeditor 11 years ago

I suggested species for two of them. The yellow one is an Amanita species. The brown one is some kind of bolete. The little brown ones look like like some kind of Galerina?

Phil_in_the_Shwa 11 years ago

Thanks Jakubko, I realized that after I uploaded them. I'm new here (obviously!).

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago

Hi Phil! I see you have many different species of mushrooms here. Since each photo is a separate species, you can make them separate spottings.

Welcome to Project Noah, Phil_in_the_Shwa

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Enjoy yourself here, see you around!

Phil in the Shwa
Spotted by
Phil in the Shwa

Ontario, Canada

Spotted on Sep 4, 2011
Submitted on Jul 22, 2013

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