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Pacific Fisher

Martes pennanti


1 to 2 lbs, possibly juvenile.


Mixed oak and coniferous forest.


This little girl was found wandering around in the road in the midday heat 'crying'. She was dehydrated and lethargic (but not injured), so I scooped her up and brought her to the local wildlife care center. It should be noted that California is likely to be adding them to the endangered species protection act in 2014. I am so happy I could help her!

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KarenSaxton 9 years ago

Oh wow. What an experience and kind act

Telse 11 years ago

Thank you also Lisa. I would have done the same. It's good to know others care. Cheers.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 11 years ago

Well done, Lisa, for giving a damn! Most people would drive on by with total indifference. It's heart-warming to know there are those who do care. I can relate to Jemma's situation as well, having had similar experiences, so now I keep a box, gloves, and a towel in my car... just in case. Even when I'm at work, I've stopped to rescue animals, then I drop off the radar for however long to find a vet or rescue shelter. The company directors don't ever say an unkind word because they know what I'm like, and they can't say anything to stop me. PS: This little one is so gorgeous!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

Thank you so much for giving it prompt care Lisa. I missed a similar oppurtunity with a bird and was very sad to find it dead the next day.It was not understanding the situation then. Now , I feel better prepared.

Lisa L
Spotted by
Lisa L

California, USA

Spotted on Jul 24, 2013
Submitted on Jul 24, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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