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Social Flycatcher

Myiozetetes similis


1 Species ID Suggestions

Fyn Kynd
Fyn Kynd 10 years ago
Social Flycatcher
Myiozetetes similis Social flycatcher

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AshleyT 10 years ago

Definitely a Social Flycatcher with that tiny bill that you can see in photo 2

bayucca 10 years ago

Sorry, based on these pictures I cannot confirm any of the candidates for sure.

Fyn Kynd
Fyn Kynd 10 years ago

The bill is to small for a Kiskadee.

annorion 10 years ago

I uploaded another shot...there were several of them in the trees and on the ground.

bayucca 10 years ago

Any other picture? Looks like being the Great Kiskadee, Pitangus sulphuratus, but I would need a closer view of the head to confirm.

Spotted by

Costa Rica

Spotted on Jan 5, 2014
Submitted on May 19, 2014

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