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Fairy Barf

Icmadophila ericetorum


First image is of Fairy Barf in a very damp area. The other two are in a dryer spot. "The only species found in North America, Icmadophila ericetorus, has a mint green crustose thallus that is dotted with bright pink apothecial disks, and is sometimes affectionately referred to as fairy puke"


Aka Peppermint Drop Lichen

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Ha ha ha, yes me too but this is the common name the locals used so I went with it :)

mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 11 years ago

Wow, I see how it gets its name! Interesting. I like the other common name better, Cindy! Haha.

Alaska, USA

Spotted on Jul 22, 2013
Submitted on Aug 7, 2013

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