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Flower Beetle

Protaetia chaminadei


Mixed deciduous forest, nearby elephant grass, rice fields. 380 MASL

1 Species ID Suggestions

Flower Beetle
Protaetia chaminadei

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RobThacker 10 years ago

Hi Lenny, thanks again, both yourself and Bayucca have given myself and I guess countless others great ID's, thank you. (just going through todays pics, another flower beetle on the way).

bayucca 10 years ago

Lenny, we have discussed this several times and I repeat it again: It is mandatory to add a reference link for a species or in rare cases, as I had to do several times myself (only where there was NO (!!) electronic reference at all), add a comment that you have no electronic reference. Making a suggestion is not the meaning of let other people checking the references. You are the one with the correct ID, so it is also your job to "proof" with a good link and trustable reference, since you have more knowledge about that specific species. Many people are not experienced enough to verify a suggestion and we have a lot of unprooved and unfortunately wrong ID suggestions here. It just took me 1 minutes to find this reference, I never take an ID as granted, not even my own ones, so it should be easily possible to take this time finding a reference. That's part of the game, indeed!

LennyWorthington 10 years ago

Bayuccca must have researched it after I gave the correct I.D.
Yes it is in my Thai field guide. Bayucca keeps asking me for references.
but I am quite happy just to identify stuff and let the poster do all the reference legwork,after all half the pictures on the internet don.t have a name anyway.Reason being they cant be bothered buying field guides.I have never visited a country without one (or ten).
Bayucca and many others have given me some good advice in the past.
But before I have asked for help I have gone as far as I can to own spottings. As you have on this one.
Anyway keep these Beetle photos coming Rob.

RobThacker 10 years ago

Thank you Lenny and Bayucca

bayucca 10 years ago
RobThacker 10 years ago

Hi Lenny, thanks for the ID suggestion, can't find any images, is the ID from one of your books?

bayucca 10 years ago

Links please, Lenny!!

LennyWorthington 10 years ago

Hi Rob
I've not seen this one. Apparently confined to Northern Thailand.
I might not be high enough.P.acuminata and P.fusca are the common ones here.

Sphingid_Matt 10 years ago

Ok, I will keep on searching :)

RobThacker 10 years ago

Hi Matt, agree with you.

Sphingid_Matt 10 years ago

Oh ok but I bet it is in that genus or related. And your welcome, Glad to help

RobThacker 10 years ago

Hi Sphingid_Matt, think you for the suggestion, just one concern though, Euphoria sp. according to wiki are native to the Americas, this beetle was spotted in SE Asia. Thanks again.

Sphingid_Matt 10 years ago

Bumble flower beetle. Euphoria inda

Spotted by

เชียงใหม่, จังหวัดเชียงใหม่, Thailand

Spotted on Jun 2, 2014
Submitted on Jun 3, 2014

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