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A green spider I think it's poisonous


In the woods on a web

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1 Comment

JennieDoomsday 11 years ago

The photo is too blurry to identify the particular species. However, due to its color, shape, and location, I can conclude that this is not venomous to humans. As far as I know (someone please add to this list if I am incorrect), there are only four species of spider in the US that are venomous enough to cause significant harm to humans (in other words, they have a bite that causes more than just a small red sore and/or minor bee-sting-like pain). These four would be the Black Widow, the Brown Widow, the Brown Recluse, and the Hobo Spider. In my experience, if you can identify the appearance and distribution (location) of these four species, you can simply avoid them and safely observe our vast majority of completely harmless spiders in the US.

Spotted by

Maryland, USA

Spotted on Oct 6, 2013
Submitted on Oct 6, 2013

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