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Shining Sunbeam

Aglaectis cupripennis


Mostly brown and rufous hummingbird. Bronzy brown above and cinnomon rufous below and on face. The "sunbeam" refers to the area of iridescent violet, gold, and green found on its lower back and rump; this patch of color, though large, is surprisingly difficult to see in the field.


Fairly common in shrubby areas, woodland patches, and treeline vegetation on both slopes of the Andes. The sunbeam favors humid areas, though locally it extends into more xeric conditions; it is lacking entirely in extensive forest. Mostly 2.500-3.700 m, tending to occur at lower elevations in s.Ecuador, and with small numbers ranging higher to 4.000m at various sites above Quito.


This photo was taken in Papallacta to 3.300m

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Provincia de Napo, Ecuador

Spotted on Oct 13, 2013
Submitted on Oct 13, 2013

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