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Leptophis cf. ahaetulla

Giant Parrot Snake


Long slender green snake with a yellow line running down it's back and on each side, white below the yellow stripes on it's sides.Large golden yellow eyes that continue a black stripe on each side of the head through them.


Was found on top of a large Heliconia leaf next to a trail though a forest.


I'm a little unsure as to the ID on this snake, as I've photographed other Leptophis ahaetulla in this same area that were a very close match for images that I've found online. You can check one of them out here, This has several features that are different from others I've encountered. It has Yellow stripes running down it's back and sides and below the side stripes it's white. I know this species is pretty variable, but due to the fact that I've seen quite a few that were all pretty much like the one in the spotting above, I'm wondering if this might be a different species of snake that I just haven't been able to find any reference to.

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RickBohler 9 years ago


Saumya Wanniarachchi
Saumya Wanniarachchi 10 years ago

Beauty !

Muckpuk 10 years ago

Gorgeous pictures, gorgeous snake. What a lovely spotting!

MarcTe 10 years ago

amazing series! beautiful snake :)

SG in CR
SG in CR 10 years ago

Translation for those who don't understand Spanish. Manuel's suggestion of L. mexicanus has a loreal scale according to the species description in the link I posted. The snake in my posting doesn't have a loreal scale.

SG in CR
SG in CR 10 years ago

Manuel, yo pensé igual. Pero la descripción en la pagina de INBio, dice que la L. mexicanus ,"Existe una escama loreal que separa la prefrontal y las supralabiales." Y la culebra en la foto mía no tiene eso.

Gloster Birder
Gloster Birder 10 years ago

It's quite like Green-headed Tree Snake that I've just posted very nice shot.

The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

What a nice encounter!

beaker98 10 years ago

What a great capture! Nicely done!

Bhagya Herath
Bhagya Herath 10 years ago

wooooooow !!! awesome clicks....

SG in CR
Spotted by
SG in CR

Alajuela, Costa Rica

Spotted on Jul 9, 2014
Submitted on Jul 14, 2014

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