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Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 10 years ago

Sckel, nossos besouros são mesmo muito parecidos, mas eu acho que eles diferem no tamanho: o seu parece um pouco maior que o meu, mas é difícil dizer sem uma escala para comparação. Além disso, eles parecem ter cabeças bem distintas. De qualquer modo, eles podem ser do mesmo gênero, eu sei que existe um monte de besouros bem semelhantes a estes.

Sckel 10 years ago

Hi, RiekoS. I really don't know. I'll investigate. Thank you.

RiekoS 10 years ago

Skeletonizing Leaf Beetles (Galerucinae) is close to your spotting, no?

Sckel 10 years ago

Thank you, Adarsha. I change the position of the photos, the first is the last, the last was first. :)

Sckel 10 years ago

Hi, Riekos, I found him in a leaf, I do not know if that makes it a leaf beetle.
Haha It was a joke. I think. Thanks. :)

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 10 years ago

Agree with Dan! Last one is dashing :)

RiekoS 10 years ago

Very nice series. I like it very much.
Isn't this some kind of leaf beetle?

Sckel 10 years ago

I put the last picture in the first place then. Thank you, Dan. :*

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 10 years ago

Nice spot kel! Really like the last photo.

Spotted by

Cariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Spotted on Oct 20, 2013
Submitted on Oct 20, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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