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Next door to the Sydney Aquarium was the Sydyney Wildlife Sanctuary that had a number of butterfly species. I have included them all together until I can start figuring out the individuals and making their own pages.
Throughout Australia.
I will reach out at one point to the Sydney Wildlife Sanctuary area and attempt to get a listing of the species that they have within their butterfly dome.
Australian regulations require that they will not import live butterflies. Therefore this is one of the two local (but further north) species.
The underwing pattern occurs only in the C. penthesilea but C. cydippe has no such markings. C. biblis is very similar but exotic.
Shall do - thanks Peter, I might take you up on that! All for another day though...
These butterflies are amazing but you've uploaded them as one spotting. That's usually reserved for different perspectives of the same spotting or showing the habitat. I would recommend uploading each unique butterfly as a single spotting so they get the recognition they truly deserve. Let me know if you need any help with this.