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Beautiful butterfly was on top of a thistle in the Australian Capital Territory at the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Just there for a moment, I was only able to do one picture before it took off. I'm leaning towards Papilo anactus - please advise.


Forested region dominated mostly by eucalpyt and gum trees. There were some flowering plants and shrubs nearby.


This was on a lookout on top of a hilltop that described the surrounding area as it was recovering from a horrific fire that occurred around 2004 or so.

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lori.tas 13 years ago

I think you have a Checkered Remember that a lot of our insects have a great deal of variability.

Zenyn 13 years ago

Your right the wings don't look quite like anactus or demoleus. I should just google Australia Papilio species but then the problem would be finding a sight I can actually trust.

peter 13 years ago

The dot you're referring to is called a tornal spot and is commonly seen in the Lime Swallowtail. But the wing structure has me second guessing myself.

Zenyn 13 years ago

Not anactus because the butterfly you spotted has only one red-orange dot on the bottom of each wing, while anactus has many much smaller ones. I'll research it and see if I can find the right species.

Spotted by

2620, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Spotted on Feb 14, 2011
Submitted on Mar 15, 2011

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