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1 Species ID Suggestions

The Barn Owl
Tyto alba

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silentheroes 13 years ago

Yeah it was super close but I only had my iPhone! There are some palm trees but I think that was a eucalyptus

JenniferMonaghan 13 years ago

You're photo is so much better thany any I've taken - all I usually get is a is a grainy silhouette of a tree w/ yellow streetlight for background : )
I love barn owls - their name sounds so unimpressive, but they are gorgeous.
Are there any palm trees near where you took this picture? They love to nest in the hollows of the dead branded at the top.

silentheroes 13 years ago

Agreed. It was super dark but the owl looked very white. I tried my best! lol.

JenniferMonaghan 13 years ago

It's so hard to get a good picture of an owl - such low light when they're out - perhaps a barn owl? (Tyto alba)

Spotted by

California, USA

Spotted on Mar 13, 2011
Submitted on Mar 14, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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