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Yellow Warbler

Dendroica petechia


Caught and banded at Innes Point Bird Observatory

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Evergreen 11 years ago

Nice bird. Suggest that you also add this to the "Nature in Yellow" Mission.

MelinaCaron 13 years ago

How cute!

AshleySummerfield 13 years ago

I don't really know how the population of warblers is doing to be honest. I was a volunteer at the bird observatory, I don't know what the population data looks like. We certainly caught a lot of warblers this spring, but I don't know how the numbers this year compared to previous years or to other areas.

keithp2012 13 years ago

Funny how I saw one but couldnt get a photo, and the area I saw it is slowly being chopped down, habitat loss....

The MnMs
The MnMs 13 years ago

How is the population of warblers doing now in America..for a while they were endangered, right? I hope they are doing better although the loss of habitat plays a big role on this..

peter 13 years ago

That is one good looking bird!

keithp2012 13 years ago

I saw one of these by me but so far it has eluded my camera. It reminds me of a Canary!

Spotted by

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Spotted on May 12, 2011
Submitted on May 13, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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