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Griffon Vulture

Gyps fulvus


This photo was taken in 'el salto del gitano', In Monfrague National Park, Spain. In that place is possible to see more than 60 vultures flying at the same time

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50 Comments (1–25)

Braulio Rivas Tapia
Braulio Rivas Tapia 11 years ago

Podrías ponerlo en la misión: Global Flight!

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Thank you chebeague! I'm glad you like it :)

chebeague2 12 years ago

nice shot!

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Thanks again, Sachin.

Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 12 years ago

Excellent work,

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Ha ha ha, we are agree! Monfragüe is a great place to see lots of birds nesting and birds of prey like the Spanish Imperial Eagle. We recommend it to everybody. Thanks for your comment and the link

AlvaroMartinZarzuela 12 years ago

ohhhh Monfragüe, my great love, jajaja. You can help to Monfragüe and you can to contribute to the declaration as World Heritage by UNESCO. You can watch this page Sorry by my english.

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Thanks Raquel!
Monfrague National Park is a very nice place, we want to come back there as soon as possible :)

RaquelAntunes 12 years ago

Great picture! I visited this park once, beautiful ... I have to go back there!

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Thanks Arlanda!
Extremadura is the best place to go in Spain if you like birds of prey :)

arlanda 12 years ago

beautiful picture,
Very dramatic light!

Dangermouse 12 years ago

I would recommend it, it's a beautiful area, though I'm a little biased because I live here! :)

We usually drive straight past on the way to Lagos to see our eldest daughter, also on Noah, maybe should stop there a few days.

Dangermouse 12 years ago

Pego do Inferno is actually a small place, but the area around it for miles in all directions is where the wildlife actually is. The only Parque Natural that we have near here (south of Portugal) is the Parque Natural da Rio Formosa, which extends along the coast from the Spanish border to Faro, south of the motorway. There is also the Protected area of the Southwest and Vicentina coast, which runs from Sines to Sagres down the west coast of Portugal. But to see big birds especially, you only need to head inland a short distance.
This year I have only seen a few booted eagles and perhaps one Spanish Imperial. Not many at all, and no photos.

We will have to visit Pego do Inferno and Donana next time we are in the area. We spent a day last year near Donana trying to get information on visiting the park but none of the information offices we visited could help!
Seen lots of Griffons this year but only a couple of Blacks and Egyptains and no decent photos. Might have flown with a Golden Eagle last week, only got a few seconds look quite close and no photo. It appeared just below me in a thermal but on the next turn had vanished!

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 13 years ago

Thank you Nicole :)

NicoleB 13 years ago

Gorgeous photos!

Dangermouse 13 years ago

I did not know that Spanish Imperials were endangered - I have seen quite a few, including a pair with young hunting, so I now feel very honoured! Thank you for the recommendations, I will certainly look at going there. As for natural parks here in Portugal in the south, I am not certain. I know there are areas abundant in wildlife, but special designated areas...I don't know. Having such a strong interest in wildlife is new to me, so I will look around and see if I can find any parks, and then will let you know. But I know that the area around Pego do Inferno, which is near Tavira, is excellent for bird spotting, and that is where I see the eagles.

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 13 years ago

Spanish Imperial eagles are very endangered and are very difficult to see. I am happy that we can see them in the south of the Iberian peninsula. In contrast, Griffon vultures are common in the south of Spain and in the Tajo river natural park in Portugal and Spain. Can you recommend us natural parks in the south of Portugal?
If you want to see griffon vultures there are a big colony between Cadiz and Malaga, It is not too far from Faro, and if you want, you can visit Doñana National Park that is closer and It is possible to see more than 100 different species of birds

Dangermouse 13 years ago

No, I have never seen any vultures here. Spanish Imperial and Booted eagles, and Buzzards, yes, but no vultures unfortunately.

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 13 years ago

Muito obrigado Dangermouse :)
Do you often see Griffon Vultures in the south of Portugal?

Dangermouse 13 years ago

Amazing! Absolutely stunning picture. Great spotting!

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 13 years ago

Thank you Alfonso and welcome to Project Noah!

Alfonso Diaz
Alfonso Diaz 13 years ago

Really awesome pic!

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 13 years ago

Thanks everyone for your comments and for favorite this pic!

Noe and Pili
Spotted by
Noe and Pili

Torrejón el Rubio, Extremadura, Spain

Spotted on Apr 19, 2011
Submitted on May 26, 2011

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