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Tufted Duck

Aythya fuligula


The Tufted Duck is a medium-sized diving duck. The adult male is all black except for white flanks and a blue-grey bill. It has an obvious head tuft that gives the species its name. The adult female is brown with paler flanks, and is more easily confused with other diving ducks. In particular, some have white around the bill base which resembles the scaup species, although the white is never as extensive as in those ducks.


The Tufted Duck breeds widely throughout temperate and northern Eurasia. It occasionally can be found as a winter visitor along both coasts of the United States and Canada. It is believed to have expanded its traditional range with the increased availability of open water due to gravel extraction, and the spread of freshwater mussels, a favourite food. These ducks are migratory in most of their range, and winter in the milder south and west of Europe, southern Asia and all year in most of the United Kingdom. They will form large flocks on open water in winter. This bird was spotted in Tablas de Daimiel National Park. It is a floodplain wetland created where the Cigüela river joins the Guadiana river.


spanish name: Porrón moñudo

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arlanda 12 years ago

Just added to "Ducks, swans and geese in Central Europe" mission

Rolo 12 years ago

Eso es estar a la moda

Ietermagog 12 years ago

What a beautiful duck! Great shot!

arlanda 12 years ago

Gracias Ismael, le queda bien el moño :)

misako 12 years ago


Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Hermoso pato

arlanda 12 years ago

Added to Biodiversidad en España/Spain mission

arlanda 12 years ago

I agree, its a beautiful duck

SusanEllison 12 years ago

what a beauty

arlanda 12 years ago

Yes, we must be twins;)

LarsKorb 12 years ago

funny - shot these yesterday as well :)

arlanda 12 years ago

Just added to Birds of Iberia mission

Carolina 13 years ago

Puedo ver por que el moñudo :)

Spotted by

Daimiel, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Spotted on Feb 2, 2011
Submitted on Jun 2, 2011

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