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Brown Honeyeater

Lichmera indistincta

1 Species ID Suggestions

lynne.warren 12 years ago
Cephalanthus Cephalanthus

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Christiane 12 years ago

Thanks StevenSpragg

StevenSpragg 12 years ago

Cannot be certain but its most likely a brown honeyeater, based on the lack of facial features and the yellow ear-cover

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

Leaves are typical Australian Mimosaceae family tree.

Christiane 12 years ago

I am searching the ID of the Honey Eater!

Christiane 12 years ago

Hey Lynne... the tree is an
Australian Paperbark Tree

A paperbark tree can be any of the more than 200 species belonging to the genus Melaleuca in the family Myrtaceae, which are mostly endemic
to Australia
Paperbark trees have got their name from their bark, which can be pulled off the tree trunk like paper. It was very useful for Aboriginal people who used it as bandages, cradles, sleeping mats and wrapping food when cooking. Other Melaleucas were used as bush medicine, particularly the famous Ti Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), which is still today used for its essential oil that is antibiotic. Melaleucas have got evergreen leaves and flowers that can be red, pink, yellow or greenish. Their height can vary between 2 and 30 metres. They are related to Bottle Brush Plants (Callistemon), and the main difference between the two is how the stamens are grouped on the flowers. Melaleucas are mostly found in open forest, scrubland and woodland, and they often grow near the water like along swamps and riverbanks.

Spotted by

Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on May 8, 2011
Submitted on Jun 10, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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