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Yellow bird


Another bird that hit my window, this one was ok as well and flew away!

1 Species ID Suggestions

AmberLundeen 12 years ago
Yellow Warbler
Dendroica petechia Yellow Warbler

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HolliCharest 12 years ago

I picked it up and held it in my hands to keep it warm (it was a clod spring morning), when it opened its eyes I put him on the bird bath and watched it from the porch, about 30mins later it flew away.

galewhale..Gale 12 years ago

When a bird has hit my window I put it in a box in a quiet place for 1/2 hour or so then but the open box in a high safe place and leave it to fly off at its own pace. It seems birds see reflection of the woods around and think the path to those woods is whack into the window. If you can hang things in window to break up the reflection, that does seem to help.

HolliCharest 12 years ago

Well thank you ladies, that is very helpful!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Holi, Concussion is reality in birds, We had a parakeet with a concussion once and it was unconscious for a good 20 minutes. We stroked his head continuously till it opened its eye. it took him a month at least to relearn everything right from chirping/

Spotted by

British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on Jun 11, 2011
Submitted on Jul 12, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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