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Erythemis simplicicollis
urban setting
Beautiful, It is amazing you can see the wings against the flowers, Ususally you need the sky to see them.
Ann you might have reached there. My suggestion will not work as its Asian specie..!!
Just ran across this....Erythemis simplicicollis - Eastern Pondhawk on http://bugguide.net/node/view/577
I feel its matching most Green marsh hawk than other any. That's why surprised whether this specie introduced in America or new one developed...!!
Ashish, I was wondering, as your suggestion does not occur in the US.
annorion, It looks a lot like it but there is no blue in the tail.
Thanks for all your suggestions...and thanks to Shraddha
Is this dragonfly reached America. This month I find its third spotting Including Noah Ranger Dan's collection
yeah looks more like the green marsh hawk (Orthetrum sabina)...http://www.eol.org/pages/4137993
check put this link...http://www.treknature.com/gallery/North_America/United_States/photo113505.htm
Tons of these in Louisiana...Always called them mosquito hawks but I think it might be a green darner dragonfly.