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Odontonema cuspidatum
The variegated leave looks like a Sanchezia sp. In gardens I have seen the 2 kinds of plants, close together.
Thanks Alice and Susan. Spotted this in a farm in a recent trip. Dangermouse also commented on the variegated leaves. Will have to research more as to the variety :-)
I have firespike in mybackyard(Houston) too and the hummingbirds love to visit infact this morning I saw one feeding : http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/637...
I have Firespike in my garden in Florida. Your speciman looks nice and healthy. My leaves are not varigated.
Firespike is in America, I think. I only know because I have a spotting of one and someone else commented on it, sharing theirs (which is firespike). http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/689...
You seem to have a few red shots already, I was just looking. Definitely join, you have some great photos. :)
Thanks Dangermouse! Reading up on it now. Also now as Fire Spike :-)
As for Colour Red mission, will compile and start taking red shots and then will join. Thanks :-)
Definitely odontonema, but the leaves are variegated so it could be a different species to cuspidatum. Or it could just be odontonema cuspidatum variegata. Common name may also differ. Great, shot, though, very red! You should join the 'Colour Red' mission and submit this. :)