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Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica


Glossy blue/purple above Buffy orange below (males have deeper orange color) Rusty orange forehead and throat Long wings & tail - male tails longer


Barns and other out buildings.


This pic taken in an Oregon State Campground. The 4 babies had not fledged yet, but the rangers swept the nest off the building anyway.... leaving the babies to die and parents totally stressed out.

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JudyCrawford 13 years ago

The head ranger here instructed all the rangers to destroy all Barn Swallow nests no matter the stage they are in because they are so messy.

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

Classic beauty! What kind of Rangers would do that?!

Spotted by

Oregon, USA

Spotted on Aug 17, 2011
Submitted on Aug 23, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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