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White Peacock Butterfly

Anartia jatrophae


Upperside is white with light brown markings and a double row of light crescents at the margins. Forewing has one round, black spot; hindwing has two. Dry season (winter) form is larger and paler; wet season (summer form) is smaller and darker. Wing Span: 2 - 2 3/4 inches (5.1 - 7 cm). Life History: Males patrol and occasionally perch to find females. Eggs are laid singly near the host plant or under its leaves. Flight: Throughout the year in South Texas and the Deep South. Caterpillar Hosts: Water hyssop (Bacopa), Ruellia, and Lippia. Adult Food: Shepherd\'s needle (Bidens pilosa) in Florida; Cordia, Casearia, and composites in Central America. Habitat: Open, moist areas such as edges of ponds and streams, along shallow ditches, weedy fields, parks. Range: Resident from Argentina north through Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies to South Texas and southern Florida. Migrates and temporarily colonizes to central Texas and coastal South Carolina. A rare wanderer to North Carolina, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas.



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1 Comment

The MnMs
The MnMs 9 years ago

Nice butterfly!

James McNair
Spotted by
James McNair

Florida, USA

Spotted on Aug 27, 2014
Submitted on Aug 28, 2014

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