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Bald-faced Hornet nest

Dolichovespula maculata


the size of an irregular shaped basketball


urban garden, maple tree beside the fragrance circle beside the rose garden along the parkway


A tourist actually pointed this nest out to me. It was one of the largest nests I've seen. The nest has been in around all summer but the hornets never bothered anyone and no other coworkers noticed it.

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msaraann 13 years ago

Great photos.

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

Thanks. You're both right. I had just uploading a spotting of Bald-faced hornets a few days ago and was reading that the females attack repeatedly when defending the nest!

Dangermouse 13 years ago

I agree with p.young! Wouldn't like to accidentally disturb that! :/ Great shot, Dan.

p.young713 13 years ago

This is a very big nest!!

Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Ontario, Canada

Spotted on Sep 9, 2011
Submitted on Sep 10, 2011

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