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Fringilla Coelebs


Chaffinches feed on seeds, particularly of cereals or weeds, taken from the ground (5), in summer they may also take invertebrates from the ground or in the air (6). In winter, native birds tend to feed in small groups near hedges or in woodlands and roost singly or in pairs, whereas migrants from mainland Europe occur in large flocks in fields and roost communally (5). During the breeding season, the male performs a courtship display, showing off his bright breeding plumage (6). The female builds the nest (5), typically in the fork of a tree and camouflages it with lichen and moss (2). The female incubates the eggs alone (6) for 11-14 days. One brood of around 4 eggs is produced each year (5). The young chaffinches will have fully fledged 13-14 days after hatching from the egg, and the maximum known lifespan of this species is 14 years (3).

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Chris Taklis
Spotted by
Chris Taklis

Βόλος, Greece

Spotted on Apr 18, 2011
Submitted on Sep 25, 2011

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