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Fox Squirrel

Sciurus niger


A very tame squirrel who approached me as I was eating a gala apple. I shared the apple with him; he would come up and grab a piece from my fingers. After receiving a piece he retreated back several feet and kept an eye on me while he ate it. After he finished he would approach slightly hoping for another piece.


There is green space and trees in between office buildings at Allegheny Center in Pittsburgh. Many people take their lunch breaks there, but I was the only person out in a light drizzle.

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1 Comment

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago

Love it when there's a story that goes with the picture! Welcome to Project Noah!

Spotted by

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Oct 12, 2011
Submitted on Oct 12, 2011

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