A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Megarhyssa macrurus
Thank you, SeanSacattackCarter, OneArsenewenger, RiekoS, patty, and thundermilk for your comments :)
I missed this picture because I was not a member a year ago.
Thank you very much for bring this back again.
Amazing picture.
it's amazing you found it in the midst of laying eggs within a larvae! within a log!!
@SarahHiteWhitt It des look like a "stick giraffe" if you mistaken it's backend for it's head!
Thank you Chun!
When I took this picture the wasp was indeed on top of a tree log.
Unfortunately it flew away shortly after I took this picture.
I'm not a wasp expert but I think that wasp is trying to inject it's egg into the grub inside the wood.
Try reading the description here in http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/747...
Thanks all!
I was hiking on the Bruce Trail in Southern Ontario when I found this wasp. It looked like it was in the process of hatching/shedding as it's tail was uncurling before my eyes. Any wasp experts?
Ichneumon Wasp, Ichneumonoidea.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichneumonoi... or http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/747....