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Spotted Shield bug

Pachycoris torridus (Scutelleridae)


Adult shield bugs are attractive insects, easily characterised by their flatish oval or five-sided shield shap (the pentatomids). They are often called stink bugs because when threatened, some species produce a pungent liquid from special glands near their hind legs


They are found most of the time resting on river plants

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63 Comments (1–25)

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 11 years ago

Thank you Jason

Jason Alexander
Jason Alexander 11 years ago


Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 11 years ago

Thank you again todd

ToddTahtinen 11 years ago

Beautiful bugs

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 11 years ago

thank you so much Ryan

Ryan21 11 years ago

Great spotting and great shot especially the first 1

tmvdh 11 years ago

Ismael, mis spottings forman parte de tu misión hace tiempo - por lo menos los de Costa Rica.
Te invito a hechar un vistazo a mi sitio web
Saludos y pura vida...

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 11 years ago

Si es cierto, tienes razon, muchas gracias voy a echarle una ojeada a tu sitio :)

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 11 years ago

Thank you Daniel, Harsha and Sumukha ;)

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 11 years ago

Claro voy a añadirlo a tu mision parece q tenemos misiones similares me gustaria q incluyeras tus spotings en la mia :)

Sumukha Javagal
Sumukha Javagal 11 years ago


Harsha Singh
Harsha Singh 11 years ago

Aw! Awesome!

Daniel-CR 11 years ago

qué buena foto, Ismael !!

tmvdh 11 years ago

Hola Ismael,

sería estupendo si puedes añadirlo a mi misión "Insects of Costa Rica"

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Thank you Mayra

MayraSpringmann 12 years ago

Wow! amazing!!

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Thank you long-island :)

long-island3 12 years ago


Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Thanks ANNE

Anne Marie McCaffrey
Anne Marie McCaffrey 12 years ago

What great looking bugs! Que lindos!

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

I agree Linda

LindaGuastamachio 12 years ago

They are beautiful.

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Thanks Trapsuutjie

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Gracias Carolina a mi tambien me fascinaron cuando los vi

Trapsuutjie 12 years ago

Awesome spottings!

Ismael Chaves
Spotted by
Ismael Chaves

Heredia Province, Costa Rica

Spotted on Oct 14, 2011
Submitted on Oct 14, 2011

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