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Striped-Tit Babbler

Macronous gularis


They forage in small flocks and creep and clamber in low vegetation. They breed in the pre-monsoon season from February to July and build a loose ball shaped nest made from grasses and leaves.


Lowland, mature secondary rain forest


I took this photo earlier today during a walk, these little birds were foraging around in a bush next the footpath in Singapore's catchment area.

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SeanWeekly 12 years ago

I really cannot understand what the problem is with my pictures!???? Getting quite fed up!

Sean, I loaded this photograph into my editing program and reset all the colours, as, like many of your pictures, it did not seem right. Having corrected the colours, I am sure this is a Striped Tit-Babbler, which is fairly common in the remaining Singapore jungle in the catchment area.
Many of your pictures have colours which appear to be too saturated and with far too much blue content. This could be due to camera settings being at "saturated" or "vivid" instead of "normal" or "natural".
In addition I have noted that your Singapore spottings all have the default location for Singapore. It would be helpful to Project Noah if you could go into the "edit this spotting" for each picture and move the icon from the centre of the map to the precise location of each picture, as near as you can remember.
Finally, the habitat field should be used to identify the habitat you actually saw the bird (or other spotting) in and not where the text books say it should be.
Only in this way can we monitor and record the changes which are taking place.
Your help in these matters would be greatly appreciated.

SeanWeekly 12 years ago

Any ideas on the ID?

Spotted by

Singapore, Singapore

Spotted on Nov 6, 2011
Submitted on Nov 6, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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