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Either a hen harrier or a Montagu's harrier, I'm not sure which. When I got closer, it flew away and the shots I took of it in flight were not use for identification at all.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Elanus caeruleus Elanus caeruleus

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tom blckhl
tom blckhl 8 years ago

Black shouldered kite!

Looking at an enlargement of the eyes in the first picture I am inclined to agree with the Black-shouldered Kite, there is now a healthy population of them in southern Portugal and I have even seen and photographed one here.

Dangermouse 12 years ago

Thanks, Liam. Will check that in my book and then alter the ID later.

Liam 12 years ago

I believe the black primaries point to Montagu's.

Spotted by

Algarve, Portugal

Spotted on Nov 30, 2011
Submitted on Dec 3, 2011

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