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uncertain mushroom


Ball-shaped fungus without much of a stalk. It seemed the main color was tan, but a greenish-blue bruise-like color took over many parts of them. They were very slimy.


The cool, wet forest of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The ground was very leaf-covered and alive with greenery, but mushrooms were fairly scarce.

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KarenSaxton 12 years ago

I always try to get a pic of the underside for later

Curator of Good
Curator of Good 12 years ago

It's been a while, but I believe they had gills.

KarenSaxton 12 years ago

or they could be a boletus. A view of the underside would help with identification

shebebusynow 12 years ago

did they have gills or sponge underneath? These superficially look like Lactarius deliciosa, but would need more detail to be sure.

Curator of Good
Spotted by
Curator of Good

Oregon, USA

Spotted on Oct 2, 2009
Submitted on Dec 4, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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