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Metrosideros sp.

Metrosideros kermadecensis


spoted in oporto city park.i think it's a foreigner plant

1 Species ID Suggestions

Metrosideros sp. Metrosideros

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AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

" i want to ask a noah ranger and you are the first today,so the question is simple,is correct to assign a spot like this in flowers of europe or in portugal's biodiversity?it's not from here,but now it's "living" here,what the correct thing to do?"

AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

S Frazier,thanks for one more ID,i had been seeing the link you gave me and i think is a Metrosideros kermadecensis,and the Metrosideros in general ,as invasive plant,can be came a pest,so imagine my admiration to see douzens of them planted in oporto city park instad of local plants more adaptated,it's a litle bit crazy people dont know what are doing.another thing i want to ask a noah ranger and you are the first today,so the question is simple,is correct to assign a spot like this in flowers of europe or in portugal's biodiversity?it's not endemic,but now it's "living" here,what the correct thing to do?

Porto, Porto, Portugal

Spotted on Dec 12, 2011
Submitted on Dec 12, 2011

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