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The mushroom I found is a small orange mushroom, the cap is orange, and the stalk is also orange. The gills on my mushroom are attached. The spore print is white. It does not have a collar. The length is 1cm long, and 1 cm wide.Some possible types of mushrooms that could be my type are the, Chanterelle Waxy Cap (Hygrocybe cantharellus), Tubaria furfuracea, and the Gymnopilus picreus.


It just so happens that there was an oak leaf next to my mushroom. Basically, it was growing beside a road on the grass.


Tree of life: Eukaryote category, fungi category,(mushrooms,Soc.,fungi,yeast,molds,rust,smut,etc) Agaricary Catina (fungi,yeast,and mushrooms) Agariomysetes (mushroom forming fungi). I could not get any further. The website for this is,

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mmsbiodiversity60 12 years ago

This mushroom looks like my mushroom.... But I got the conclusion that it was a cup fungi!!! But other than that you have really good field notes.

mmsbiodiversity53 12 years ago

My mushroom kind of looks like your mushroom. It has the same shape. The middle of it has a dark spot like mine. Great photos and nice field notes.

Spotted by

Maine, USA

Spotted on Nov 14, 2011
Submitted on Dec 16, 2011

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unknown unknown Unknown british soldier lichen


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