A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Aristolochia pilosa
I found this wild plant at about 1200ft in elevation in the mountains of southern Costa Rica. From the beginning of the round part to the tip of the 'nose' it's probably about 4.5 inches. From 'head' to 'nose' maybe 2 inches or so. It was growing on a thin vine and I saw one other of these that was shriveled up.
Thanks everybody! It's very exciting for me to have a new outlet to share some of my photos (and see that people appreciate them). I've been living in Costa Rica taking mainly macro photos for the last 5+ years. That Pipe Vine is one of my newest ones :)
Congrats on Spotting of the Day!
"The Pipe Vine is one hairy plant! These hairs serve as a trap for insects entering its tube shaped blooms. Eventually the insect escapes covered with pollen."
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Wow! Great shots of a really wonderful Aristolochia. Nice work one and all.
Definitely Aristolochia pilosa. Gorgeous photos. Also commonly called "Pipe Vine"